Our Services

We are committed to providing the highest quality services available.


Your website is only a few clicks away. Select the package that suits your budget and we will create your website!

*Websites can be completed within 7 days, although most take 3-4 weeks depending on client communication, delivery of assets, and adjustments. After the initial design brief is completed we will provide a timetable for the completion of your project.

Support & Updates

PDX Web Design can provide support and website updates one of three ways.

1. Content Managemen System: We create all of our websites on WordPress. This gives our clients control over their websites.

2. One Time Changes: We can edit and update your website for a small fee for one off changes.

3. Dedicated Monthly Maintenance: For a small monthly fee we can edit and maintain your website for you. All edits are completed in 24-48 hrs.

Managed Marketing

Once you build your website you might be interested in Social Media and or Search Engine Optimization and Marketing. We can help create a social media plan for your business to maximize your new website. As well as create SEO plans to help keep your website ranking on Google. Some clients might need help with pay-per-click advertising and we can help manage those campaigns.

Satisfied Customers

“Great price, great service, timely delivery …Terry is a professional ”



Donald S

Comptroller, Group Petroleum Services

“Terry has done a great job keeping my website up to date and exciting to look at. He has also done a great job with making sure I am getting all of the hits I can to my site. I appreciate his timeliness and pricing. ”

Nicole R

Owner, All Stars Unlimited


Content Management

We build our websites on WordPress for main reasons but the number one is ease of use. Along with being user friendly for our clients to use WordPress is constantly being updated, this allows you to ensure that your website is constructed using the best code and technology available. The WordPress CMS allows you to take control of your website and keep the information on it up to date.

Search Engine Optimized

SEO is standard at PDX Web Design, we build all websites from the ground up with current SEO techniques. Along with SEO we provide free Google Analytics on your website with a monthly report that shows you who visited your website. We can also help provide SEO reporting and monthly SEO services as well.

Mobile Responsive

Your website is built with intelligence to recognize your website visitors device and display correctly for them whether they are on a computer, tablet, or phone. Gone are the days of pinching and scrolling trying to figure out how to use a website on your mobile device. Best part, your website is built this way from the beginning at no extra cost!

Intuitive Navigation & Brilliant Graphics

Along with SEO and Mobile Responsiveness we create our websites with the end user in mind. Your customer. Your website will have intuitive navigation and brilliant graphics to wow your customer. The real goal of a website is to convert that visitor into a customer, and that starts with a website that loads fast and is easy to navigate.

Designed by Professionals for Results

You might have noticed a continuous theme here. RESULTS. All of our tips and techniques are used for one purpose. That is to make your website a success and to drive customers and results for your business. We can do this because we are professionals and know that through beautiful work, smart design and development, using the latest technology and techniques we can convert that website user into a customer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to build a website?

Every website and client is different so it is hard to pinpoint a perfect answer. Typically we plot 4 weeks to complete a website. Depending on the scope and requirements for your website this timetable could become longer. We follow 4 basic steps: Discover, Design, Develop, and Deliver.

Why should I choose you?

Our Team has over 9 years of experience building websites for small, medium and large businesses. We have learned from our successes and failures. We have taken this experience and used it to create our web design process that allows us to pin point your business need’s, your visitor’s needs and create a website that helps blend those together leading to a conversion and a sale.

Who owns my website, domain, etc?

Unlike some companies, you own all of the design, content, domain, and works for your website. You will never have to beg or negotiate to get access to your website or content. We also setup each client their own personal hosting account that holds their website. You have your own login. No need for a middle man to deligate access for you.

If I build it they will come, right?

No, I am sorry. Just because you have a website doesn’t mean you will have visitors. Like a nice piece of property you must create roads that drive traffic to your website. We can help do that with SEO, social media, ppc ads, etc. One of the worst things you can do is neglect your new website once it is launched.

How much does a website cost?

Hundreds to thousands to hundreds of thousands. Like time it is hard to pinpoint an answer that fits all. Most websites are priced based on complexity and size. With our process we have determined our sweet spot where you get the best work for the best price.

Do I really need social media and SEO?

Websites, social media and even search engines are become more relationship based. With any good relationship they require time and commitment. Your website, buisiness and marketing is the same way. We can help you foster a great relationship with your customer via social media and SEO.

Reach Us

Let's get your new website started today!

Sandy, Oregon



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